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    The Department of Microbiology at St. Anne’s Arts and Science College organized a hands-on training workshop titled Handling and Maintenance of Compound Microscope for first-year B.Sc. Microbiology students on 9 September, 2024. The workshop was conducted by Dr. G. Vijayanandhini, an academician and microbiologist from Miridhula - The Mentor, Chennai. The workshop focused on introducing students to the principles, techniques, and applications of light microscopy, an essential tool in scientific research and education. Dr. Vijayanandhini began the session by explaining the basics of microscopes, including different types of microscopes, and gave practical tips on how to properly handle and maintain a compound microscope. During the practical session, students learned how light microscopy works by using visible light passed through or reflected from a sample to get a magnified view. The workshop also covered special techniques to enhance specimen contrast and highlight specific structures in a sample. The workshop successfully provided the students with practical skills in microscopy, enhancing their understanding of this crucial scientific tool.