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  • To empower youth with knowledge, skills and competence
  • To provide the students with opportunities to understand the present society and critically analyze its structures
  • To form their character and personality.
  • To mould them into socially responsible youth.
  • To enable them create a more humane and harmonious society.
  • To produce world class leaders with a difference.
  • To create integrated and visionary leaders.


Academic Excellence

Through science, humanities and commerce, students who enter the portals of this institution shall acquire sound and thorough knowledge in academics and be competent in intellectual pursuit and become preferred personnel by any organization.

Personal and Interpersonal Skills

To facilitate in discovering their potentials, develop their talents and aesthetic sense, to inculcate soft skills that would be helpful for healthy and harmonious interpersonal relationship and teamwork. To cultivate sincere respect for the essential dignity, freedom and equality of every person.

Spiritual Pursuit

The extracurricular activities shall provide the youth knowledge of world religions and the society and shape them into citizens who are morally sound and have personal conviction, deep compassion, competence and commitment, to the larger world community.

The Coat of Arms

The coat of Arms of the college consists of a shield divided into four quarters with a open book in the centre. The burning light and the star stand for the education imparted in the college which challenges the students to live upto the motto Towards fullness through Excel