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    The Women Empowerment Cell in collaboration with the NSS Unit under the guidence of the IQAC initiated a Session on the topic Women and Safety Mesures on 5th February, 2021. Mr. J.P Prabakaran, Vice Principal, Police Recruit School, Thiruvallur was invited to address the gathering. The Speaker oriented the studnets who were present in the meeting on the imortance of be safe and secure in this situation of pandemic and turmoil. He narrated various incidence of how women have faced various situations and had the courage to overcome it. He also explained various incident that had gone wrong due to seer neglegence. An elaborate list of ways to be protective and smart while in danger was explained by Mr. J.P Prabakaran. The session was very interactive and engergitic as the studnets clarified their quirries and questions. Around 100 Final Year studnets were present in the session and were motivated by the talk given by te guest speaker. The Principal and Dean of College Development thanked the speaker and appreciated the participants.